Robert Wallpaper

A Day in the Life of Robert

Meet Robert, and find out what it's like to be a Creative here at Animade.

1. What does your role as a Creative entail?

I've recently transitioned from a junior role, which was focused on the meat of the creative work, towards the mid role - this has more of an emphasis on directing small teams, leading other creatives, and presenting to clients.

2. What does a typical day look like for you?

I start with porridge, a black coffee, and a whole orange. After meetings and briefings, it’s off to the races! I’m drawing, concepting, writing, storyboarding, editing, and animating, all while providing feedback and directing others. Mix in a few more coffees, some music and a podcast or two, a few weeks later a project will arrive fully formed.

3. What are the most exciting aspects of your role?

I’ll tell you in a few months when I'm more used to it! But in general, being a creative of any level is exciting in itself as I get to take things from a few concept sketches to a finished animation. There really is something a little bit magical about it, no matter how many times it happens.

4. How did you get into this field?

I was obsessed with animation as a kid and after trying a bunch of creative outlets as a teen, this was the one that stuck. When it came time to finish high school, Edinburgh College of Art offered an animation program that I really fancied, and as a Scottish citizen, I was incredibly lucky to have studied there for free. The course really prioritised independence, self-sufficiency, and creative freedom, which could be quite a challenging environment, but I felt this set me up for this creative industry. I graduated from there and after a brief stint of bar work, I was able to exercise some connections from school and weasel my way into my first studio. After hopping between a few more, here I am today!

5. What do you like most about working in the creative industry?

For me, the community means a lot. There are so many like-minded people with a diverse range of ideas in the industry, and meeting them, becoming close to them, and creating alongside them is incredibly fulfilling. But also, if I have to work to pay rent I may as well do it by drawing silly little characters right?

6. What is your most memorable project and why?

My most memorable project for Animade was our work with NAM Aidsmap, the U=U project. This was an issue I cared about deeply, and I thought it would be good to use our platform at Animade to share a really important public health message in an engaging and approachable way. It had an incredible reach, and it’s something that I hope will have helped reduce HIV and AIDS stigma.

7. What advice would you give to someone who wants to go into Animation?

ABD - Always be drawing. I’m guilty of not doing it though so if you don’t, no sweat. ABA - Always be absorbing. Surround yourself with things that inspire you. You can’t breathe out before first breathing in. Lastly, have patience. This stuff takes a long time. Projects you love may not see the light of days for weeks, months, or years.

8. What has been a highlight working at Animade?

The balance of work and play is really special here at Animade. It’s great to know that the bits and bobs you work on during your downtime are really valued here; that we can take a gem of a doodle you did while waiting for a meeting and turn it into a finished project, which will then go onto influence a client project.

9. Lastly, can you sum up working for Animade in three words?

Creativity, community, and play.

Written by Robert Duncan, Creative.

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