Party Pooper

Ever wanted to shut down a party you're just not in the mood for? Be the ultimate Party Pooper in our browser game.

The game revolves around an anxious party host named Clap, who returns from holiday to a house full of uninvited guests. It’s the player’s role to ‘poop’ the party and shut it down as quickly as possible using various objects that have been left around the house.

Within six days the game was played over 14,000 times, 35,000 balloons were popped and 17,000 cups got crumpled. It also scooped up Gold in the Lovie Awards and Site of the Day on FWA. Who knew party pooping could be so much fun?

Fun, quirky animated game Party Pooper lets you be the killjoy your soul screams to be, but without any damage to your friend count.

Digital Arts

We added extra features to give the whole experience a bit more pop. The music can be changed with a touch of the pink speakers, while clicking on the characters will reveal clues as to what might make them leave. A lack of squishy snacks? A chilly bottom? Only one tool is offensive to each partygoer, so some detective work is required on your part—and some solutions are more cryptic than others. Play now!

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