Getting weird with one of America's oldest breweries

To celebrate the launch of Pabst Hard Coffee, we were asked by Pabst Blue Ribbon and 72andSunny LA to bring more than a little attitude and chaos to coffee culture.

Pabst Blue Ribbon is one of the oldest brewing companies in America and in 2021, they wanted to show the world what happens when #CoffeeGoesHard.

The intention for this project was to stay weird and have fun, all whilst showing how enjoyable and edgy coffee gets when it meets Pabst... now there’s a brief with a kick!

You all have been lovely to work with. The films are both so flippin' bad-ass! Hope we get to work together again soon!

Marty Cole, 72andSunny LA

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Pabst Square 02

We created two animated shorts. For both films, we used the product can as a portal device that blasts our main characters from their mundane lives into the Pabst universe. We wanted to create an instant flipping-the-switch payoff feel to both the films, which are fuelled with raw and contagious energy; highlighting the contrast of life pre- and post-Pabst Hard Coffee.

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With a hand-drawn style and vibrant, delicious use of colours, we pushed the fantastical nature of the piece with bizarre and weird changes through the transformation of the worlds. From the main character becoming an all-American eagle to the table becoming a nest and the tiny stool transforming into a bug, this attention to detail makes the short beautifully re-watchable whilst harnessing the edginess of the Pabst universe.

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